Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cleaning House

I am on the rampage! Well, maybe not but I have been cleaning house a little bit.

When I first joined Etsy I did all of the Twitter lists and follow my blog lists and now I am kind of regretting it because I follow a lot of blogs/twitter streams that I am not interested in. And then I feel kind of mean because I am not interested. However, there are so many people in the world and I think it's just better to go where you feel good.

Oh, and not feel guilty about it!

This may sound kind of strange but I have learned how not to be nice at my current job. By nice, I mean, being a people-pleaser. Okay...I still have a lot of that going on but it is not nearly as bad as it used to be.

Mainly because I realized that you will never be happy if you go against your own wishes. And if you are unhappy you have nothing to give anyway!

So, cheers to being happy and true to yourself!


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